Dec 18, 2013

Dean Graduates and Says Goodbye to Uni

April 8, 2013

Heading for the graduation ceremony.

Dean was ready to graduate, but he still couldn't believe it.

Today he would get his Fine Arts degree, and with honors! 

Hours later, coming out of the Gymnasium, already graduated.

 "Mom, Dad: here's my University degree. I haven't disappointed you!"

Now they could say he was a dignified member of the illustrious Goth family.

The ceremony concluded, they were all gone. In a few hours, Dean would be on his way home too.

The only thing he would really miss from Uni was the company of his beloved Asala. But there would be enough time to look for her. First, he had to issues to resolve in Monte Vista. It wouldn't be easy, however, he wasn't afraid of facing those issues. He was willing to do anything to fullfill his dreams.

Those dreams were basically two: the first, moving to Bridgeport City, find a house and work there; the second one, look for Asala and take her to live with him.

Sunday at dawn. The hour has come to leave the Uni. Dean was carrying only one suitcase, but many successes to his name. In addition to his degree, he had earned points with the social groups and two new traits: Artistic and Avant Garde!

Uni had been a great experience for him, at all levels. He left more than satisfied:
"Goodbye St. John University, I don't think I'll come back, but I'll always remember you".

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