April 7, 2013
The next day, DFean had to go to class in the middle of a rainstorm, and in the evening he went home in the same way. It was only 7:30 pm and he was dead sleepy. He urgently needed to rest. Recently his life was a turmoil.
Along the way he could not help thinking again about Mika, about Nicole and everything he had gone through during the last few days. Finally, he thought about Michelle, in all the years of arguments and fights with her.
When he arrived home, he had made a decision. His relationship with Michelle should end, if possible, it should be the next week, when he returned to Monte Vista.
He didn't think it was fair to send her a message or called her on the phone to break up with her. He'd have to see her in person and have a long talk with her. That would be the first thing he would do upon arriving home. Then, he'd disappear forever from her life, if that was even possible.
He spent the rest of the evening playing the guitar. He had drunk one of those elixirs his father mixed and of which he always had a provision. Apparently they were more effective than coffe, cause he could stay awake a few hours longer.
Fortunately, the next morning he had art class. Drawing was much more relaxing than the boring lectures on Tuesdays. Although, in all honesty, he didn't feel inspired that day, not to mention that, for a change, it had started to rain, this time with strong winds too.
When the class was over, Dean took shelter from the cold in the cafeteria. He still was under the effects of the elixir, would have to find something to spend his energy on.
It was on that evening that he met Asala Karam, the vampire girl, with whom he immediately sympathized .
He had met pretty girls in his life, but Asala was something more than just pretty, she was special, smart and knew how to hold a conversation. Besides, just like him, she was interested in art and music.
Unfortunately, at the cafeteria in was impossible to chat in peace, since there were paparazzi all around.
So he took his chance and invited Asala to his house, explaining to her that there they would be able to talk at ease. He was 100% sure that Asala would say no, but to his surprise, she gladly accepted.
He didn't even know what he was doing. Hadn't he got into enough trouble already? This was an absolute recklesness, but he couldn't help it, he was dying to see his Hidden Springs friends' face when they told them that he dated a vampire girl.
Defying all logic, and not without certain fear, he allowed his new vampire friend in his house.
As if she could guess his concern, Asala asked him if he knew what she was. Dean's answer was yes, but he didn't care. Asala explained to him that she fed on blood, that she could be hurt by daylight and other typical vampire stuff. Too much information caused Dean to shiver a little. Did he really know what he was getting into?

Of course he knew, but did not take a step back. Asala was well worth it! So, from that moment on, she took control.

Dean didn't think, he just took a deep breath and went ahead. His life was already complicated, one more complication wouldn't do anything. Besides, maybe the affair with Asala could be the straw that broke the camel's back, which would facilitate his breakup with Michelle.

Of course it was silly to think a vampire could save him from his life's chaos, but he wanted to believe so. He was kind of hypnotized, out of this world. Maybe this was exactly what he needed to forget his problems, so he closed his eyes and let himself go.
As usual, he jumped in head first into a new affair, not caring about the danger that messing with a vampire girl implied.
Just like with Mika Moore, he took her to the guests room, maybe because it was the nearest. He wanted to say something, some romantic words or anything, but there wasn't time for preambles. Asala was in a hurry cause, for her own safety, she had to leave before the dawn.
Everything happend too fast, but for Dean it was worth it. It had been a magic night, literally speaking. And not just that, the slight fear Asala made him feel at the beginning, had completely disappeared.
But the fear returned seconds later when Asala got up and ran to him in that strange fashion. Dean though he was done.
But he breathed in relief when she got close only to compliment him. Apparently she was impressed with him. And that impression was mutual! Dean didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. Or rather... he knew. It was good, it was too good! So much, that this time he was afraid, but not because of Asala being a vampire, but to actually fall in love this time.
Then, Asala started running agaim. "She's finally living, thank heavens", Dean thought. But Asala didn't intend to leave his home, or his life for the matter.
She installed herself in the main bedroom, took over Dean's bed and went to sleep. Dean used to think that vampires slept solely in coffins, but apparently, Asala was more refined and liked comfort, so she found Dean's bedroom perfectly comfortable for her.
Dawn was about to break. Asala turned off the light and fell into a deep sleep.
Dean, on the contrary, was wide awake. Maybe because of the damned elixir, whose effect wouldn't wear off. Or maybe because of so many strong emotions with Asala.
In any case, there wasn't time for sleeping. In a few hours he had to take his final exam. So, while Asala slept, he started to get ready. What would happen when she woke up? He better not think about it.
1 comment:
Esta historia promete :P
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