Dec 16, 2013

Dean Approves the Exams

Waffles and pancakes where the only dishes Dean knew how to prepare, so he did the latter for breakfast, although he wasn't very sure Asala would like to eat that.

4:40 am. Asala was still sleeping, but Dean was starving and in a few hours he should take his final exam, so he got ahead and had his breakfast.

Asala didn't stay anyway.
 "Sorry, it's dawning and I can't stay", she told him.
"Will I see you again?"

Dean didn't like her answer much. He needed to see her again, but it wouldn't be today, cause it was final exams day; neither would it be tomorrow, cause it was graduation day. He didn't know what would happen or when could they meet again, and that somehow distressed him.

What was a fact was that Asala couldn't stay a minute longer. Before the first rays of sunlight, she ran off
Dean was desolate. But she had told him that "maybe" she'd return. He'd make sure that this was the case. Now that he thought he had found his ideal girl, he wouldn't let her go that easily.

Six hours for the final exam. Dean had to start studying, but firs he'd have a drink or two.

After partying practically the whole semester, he finally sat down to study.

But he didn't get very far. He could hardly concentrate himself with so much going around his head. Even so, he wasn't worried about the exam, cause Art wasn't a difficult or boring thing to him. He was sure he'd be okay, 

One hour and one more paper cup of "juice" later, he was ready to go to the exam.

The truth, the final exams didn't concern him as much as what awaited for him in Monte Vista and Hidden Springs. But he had to go through all that, then he continue to his next goal: moving to Bridgeport.

He passed the first exam with flying colors.
On his way to the next exam. for a change, a downpour fell over the Uni. It was a stormy afternoon.

But Dean also approved his second exam with flying colors. Of course, when he got out he got soaked form head to toe thanks to the deluge that kept on falling.

He'd have to run home and put his clothes in the dryer to be able to attend Jefferey's party. His last University party.

While his clothes were in the dryer, he started cleaning his house, it was much needed!

Ready, the clothes were dry, now he could go to the party.

But before leaving he wrote a letter to Asala, telling her that he hoped their goodbye wasn't permanent, and whishing she'd understand what he meant.

He arrived to the frat party at around 12 am. The atmosphere wasn't good, Jeffrey wasn't even there, but fortunately, another of Dean's beloved 'friends' was there: the 'juice' keg.

As there wasn't anyone else, he started chatting with Ludo Vicco, while Cheri, the paparazzo, defended herself from a zombi that had just crashed the party. That's how crazy the fraternity parties were. Even zombies attended!

It was Ludo who gave him the news: Dean had gotten a perfect average. He had earned his degree, and not only that, he'd graduate with honors. Dean froze. He knew he had done well in the exams, but he hadn't even dared to dream of that much. His parents would be so happy!  
"So what? You're not saying anything, little genius? Come on, let's celebrate!", Ludo told him.

And they did, but unfortunately, the party ended early and everybody suddenly left. Dean was left alone in the middle of night, wanting to continue the party.

It was the early morning, it would be dawning soon, everything was closed and there wasn't anywhere else where to go to party, so he didn't have other option but to return home.

When he arrived, he looked in the mailbox to see if Asala had anwered his letter.

Asala had anwered with a little note: "Dean dearest, I cannot stop thinking of you. Call me soon". Dean could hardly contain his excitemet.

Besides Asala's note there was another one form Mika Moore that read: "I can't help myself. Each time I see you, all I can think of is your kiss!" That was too much, he needed another drink!

She immediately sent a text message to Mika, telling her he felt the same and that they'd have to meet someday. That wasn't completely true, Dean remembered Mika with affection, but he couldn't stop thinking about Asala.

He replied to her with a long love letter.

Something good came out of his relationship with Asala, and it was that he had been able to erase -at least for the moment- the memory of Shantel, his ex girlfriend from high school. Maybe this fleeting romance with Asala could, with time, erase it permanently, which his relationship with Michelle hadn't been able to.

After finishing the romantic missive and depositing in the mailbox, Dean headed for bed. He really needed to sleep and the report card would arrive in a couple hours. He'd hardly have time for a rest.

Around 8 am, the report card arrived, interrupting Dean's sleep.

Just like Ludo had informed him the night before he had gotten an A. Perfect Average. He was going to graduate with honors!

Satisfied with his achievement, but also very sleepy, he returned to bed. Later he would call his parents to give them the news, for now he was drained. He needed to sleep a little more.

He woke up wanting to go to look for Asala, but he resisted. He had decided not to go ahead until he solved what he had pending in Monte Vista. Then he would look for her and if she continued to feel the same, she would take her to Bridgeport with him. She being a vampire wasn't a problem. Dean's grandfather or his dad could get her a cure, if she wanted it of course. If she didn't, Bridgeport would be the perfect place to live with her.

The rest of the morning he spent it playing the guitar, determined to forget about all his problems, even if it was only for a few hours, or until after graduation.

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