Nov 3, 2022

A few nights ago, while on duty at her hospital job, Amina received an emergency call in the middle of the night. She was told that she had to go and treat the wounds of a criminal. For that she had to go to their lair, at the top of the hill.

It took him a long time to climb up there, and in complete darkness, but she finally made it to the top, where this scary building called The Den is located.

Amina sintió un poco de miedo al entrar, es un lugar muy lúgubre, y además sabe que está lleno de maleantes.

Amina pasó ahí toda la noche, atendiendo al herido.

She was there literally until dawn. In the photo you can still see the moon (right) when the sun was already starting to rise (left).

This is the gate through which Amina entered and out of which she should be coming at any moment. It still looks creepy, even with the sunlight already upon it.  

There is Amina, safe and sound, and the crooks were very grateful. Phew! 

Come to think of it, in the daylight, the Lair doesn't look so scary anymore.

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