Jun 20, 2022

Time Traveler: Episode #159 - Straight to the Point

"Alone at last, now we can really talk in peace", Dustin said, as the cab pulled away, taking Judy with it.

"Well, you told me that the file is still locked but your father will crack it. And Judith filled us in on what's going on in Oasis Landing, so what else did you mean to tell me? No more bad news, I hope," Robin told him.

"Oh no, not at all. The subject to be discussed now is a bit more pleasant, although it's not without some concern. In any case we'd better sit down. Would you like something to eat?"

"Oh, no thanks, I had something before I came".

"How about coffee?"

"Sure, I could use some."

"Okay, let's go."

They both went to the kitchen where Dustin quickly poured coffee from his cutting-edge coffee maker. When they both had their cups, they grabbed a seat and, after a couple of sips, Dustin resumed the conversation:

"Okay, I'll get to the point, let's start with our document: I couldn't unlock it myself. First, because to block it they used technology out of my league. Second, because Judy has me so busy I barely have time to sit in front of the computer, and if I do she comes out of wherever she is to ask me to take her somewhere, or for her and me to - well, you know."

"I know what you're talking about," Robin replied, suppressing a smirk.

"So I declared myself incompetent and turned to my dad. He knows more about this stuff than I do, he'll be able to unlock that document without issue. I hope you don't mind."

"No, it sounds good to me."

"It is, I just hope the it really does contain the information you're so hoping for, as well as an explanation as to why the RSL is so eager to catch up with you."

"Well, if my parents are alive, - and I hope they are - maybe they have the answer to the latter," Robin sighed.

"Hopefully. Although I'm almost sure Emit already knows that information, he's just not ready to give it up yet."

"Okay, we'll see who reveals it to us first, your father or Emit."

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