Jan 12, 2022

I'm Still Here, I'll be Back Soon!

Hi everyone, I want to tell you that I'm not gone, I'm still around, but I might not be able to update my stories for a while, at least not for now, because, as I said before, my family and I moved house. The move is over, but we are still finishing unpacking and settling in, we have been living here for a week and just today we got the internet installed, besides there are still some repairs to do and things to bring from our old house. 

The plan was to move before Christmas, but the holidays and their preparations got in the way, then, at the beginning of January, my son's girlfriend came to visit from Mexico City and stayed with us for a week, (yes, in the middle of the move, lol). She is back home now, but we still have a lot of work to do here, so I haven't had the peace and energy to sit down at the computer, open the game and take the pictures I need to continue with my stories. But in the next few days I will try to catch up, I promise. 

Another thing that has me a bit distracted is that my son gave me Assassins Creed Odissey for Christmas and as you may know, every time an AC game falls into my hands, I can't stop playing it, ha ha. With AC Odissey I'm taking it slow, I only play for half an hour in the evenings, to relax, because I end up very tired from all the work.

But since I can never forget my sims for too long, nor the pleasure of sharing their adventures, here are some pictures of Tony Langerak, of whom I have a lot of material in my archives, and whose story I also promised to continue earlier this year (and I will). I hope you like the previews. 

My beloved Tony Langerak, from Tony Langerak's World Adventures.

Tony, during his recent trip to Starlight Shores, where he visited his brother Mike to tell him about his recent marriage with Jeannine and ask his advice about everything that happened with Cassandra.

Mike Langerak and his wife Miranda Cho at the Elixir Shop, as he is Level 10 Alchemist. Miranda is a Singer, level 10 also, a celebrity in Starlight Shores, born in Hidden Springs and aunt of the famous Cho Brothers.

Later, perhaps early next month, we will know what happened to The Crane Legacy and The Cho Brothers. Just give me a few days to rest and conclude the move. 
Anyway, even though I haven't been able to post anything, I continue to read you and your wonderful stories, which I try to keep up with. 
Again, I wish you an amazing 2022 and I hope your start of the year has been spectacular. Hugs to all of you and see you soon!

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