Oct 25, 2021

Dale: Terry called again, he says you wrote him a message telling him to go to hell, is that true?
Kelly: Yes, it was the least he deserved for trying to ruin your career.

Dale: If you take my advice, I don't think you should send him another message like that.
Kelly: Why not, do you think he's going to do something to me? 
Dale: Well, you never know with Terry.

Kelly: Jeez, have you forgotten the time I slapped him already? He didn't touch me one bit. You know why? Because he's afraid of you, you're taller and stronger than him. He's the one who should be afraid of you, not you of him.
Dale: Of course I'm not afraid of him. I mean, he's my brother.
Kelly: Well, I'm not afraid of him either. Or do you think I should be?

Dale: I think you should control your temper, baby. Sometimes you go over the edge. And Terry can be very nasty if he sets his mind to it. He could give you a hard time.
Kelly: Okay, I won't text him again. Just promise me you won't give up your career to work at his stupid bar. 
Dale: Don't worry, my goals are well defined. 

Dale: Terry and his bar will be waiting because I will have my own bar, my own business and my own money - lots and lots of money!
Kelly isn't sure if that's what she wanted to hear, but at least she has peace of mind knowing that Dale won't be leaving the University. 

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