Oct 3, 2021

Cynthia: Tell me the truth, Terry. Are you really happy that we're having a baby?
Terence: Of course, I am happy, darling. Can't you tell?

Terence: (to himself) Hm, I suppose with a baby on the way the Vanderburgs will finally let us live in the mansion.
Cynthia: Terry? What are you thinking about? Tell me.

Terence: I think our baby deserves to live with absolute peace and security.
Cynthia: Oh, you mean we should get less dangerous jobs?

Terence: Our jobs are perfect. I was talking about living in a safer and more-- comfortable place.
Cynthia: Like the Vanderburg mansion for instance?
Terence: Ah, baby, I love it when you read my mind.

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