Oct 9, 2021

Time Traveler: E114 - Under the Radar

Robin decided to use his car instead of the hoverboard, since the latter could be more easily detected by the drones.

In less than five minutes he got to the Community Center where the Portal was located, on the rooftop. Now he should be careful not to be seen by the plumbot guards.

Funny enough, the guard didn't ask for his ID. That couldn't be a coincidence. After all, Emit was the manager of the Center.

Robin was able to go up in the elevator without problems, and once there... The Portal was still activated! This was Emit's work for sure.

It was the guard change, so the hallway was full of plumbots restoring their power in the chargers. They weren't trackers, but Emit's trusted 'people'. It wasn't an accident either that they all pretended not to notice him.
"Yes! Thanks, Emit, you're the best. Now I just need to get to the Portal. Crossing fingers that my pass hasn't been cancelled yet".

The path to the Portal seemed neverending on that moonlit, beautiful night, the last one he would spend in Oasis Landing - if he was lucky.
"Hurry up, Crane, you're almost there", he said to himself as he picked up the pace.

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