Sep 18, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 107 - A Second Successor? - Part 2

When she arrived at the bedroom, she carefully left Collin in the crib that Robin had bought for him earlier. 
"Rest now, little one, we'll go home soon", she said amorously.

Then she went in the Sonic Shower for a quick cleanse. She was so tired that she couldn't even think of using the bathtub.

While Kaleigh was in the bathroom, Robin snuck into her bedroom to spend some time with Collin before their seemingly inevitable separation.

"Hey, Collin. Yes, I'm your dad, not exactly what you expected, huh? But you got to know that all in all, I love you. And no matter what your mom does, I'll never leave you, our separation will only be temporary."

"Temporary. How long would that last? A year, two? Whatever it took to fix his problems, both in Aurora Skies and in Oasis Landing. First of all, he had to tell Juliette about Kaleigh and Collin's existence. And then tell Ann about Juliette. He needed to untangle the knot he had made of his life. His Time Traveler position and the right choice of his successor depended on that.

At the beginning he was sure Rowan would be his heir, but now he was considering Collin too. After all he was a child of the Future, it would be easier for him to understand the Oasis Landing laws and the Time Travelers' rules in general.
And then there was Jessica, who was about the same age as Rowan, so why not her? Who said it had to be a boy? Girls could be travelers too. Now, that would be a tough decision!
"But why bother about that now, don't you think, little one? You're just a baby, your only duty is to grow, eat, sleep, be happy... When you come of age we'll see if you can stand up to the job".

"For now just enjoy your sleep. Dad will fix this mess for you and your brother and sister, who I hope you can meet some day".

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