Aug 14, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 101. Boundaries


"This will be your room, it has its own bathroom and a view to the city. What do you think?"
"Not bad. Does your girlfriend stay here?"
"I... don't have a girlfriend".

"Yeah, you don't believe that yourself. Anyway, where's your bedroom?"
"On the fourth floor, just above this one".
"Can I stay there with you?"

"Oh, no, no. I'm afraid that's not possible".
"Why the hell not?"
"Because volunteers don't sleep with their donors. And because of Edwin Archibuild".
"It's ArchiBILT, and he isn't jealous. He's been with others so many times. I don't see why I can't do the same. It's not a crime or anything like that".
"Maybe it isn't in Oasis Landing, but in the p..."

"You were saying?"
"Me? I didn't say anything".
"Yes, you said 'maybe it isn't in Oasis Landing, but in the...' And then you stopped".
"I did? Well I didn't notice. I must've been thinking aloud".
"You're acting weird, you know?"
"And you're pushing me".
"I didn't mean to. I just wanna know why we can't have fun like we used to".

"'Cause it isn't permitted, Kaleigh, you know that".
"By the RSL. They have some stupid rules, but we wouldn't be breaking the law as such. I should know, I'm a cop, remember?"
"How could I forget. Still, not gonna happen, I'm sorry. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go to work".

"Don't you find me attractive anymore?"
Robin gulped and turned to her slowly...

"Kaleigh, come on, of course I find you attractive. But my circumstances prevent me from having a relationship with you, or with any other girl at the moment".
"Why? What circumstances?"

"It's a long story, I don't have time to tell it now. Besides, I suppose you remember why we broke up in the first place".
"Time Travelers don't get married. I know, but that law has been since changed, you can get married if you feel like it, you don't have to turn into an old bachelor like Emit".
"Emit is not that old".

"Whatever, I never asked you marry me, I was perfectly happy with what we had".
"So was I, but it wasn't fair".
"Okay, forget about marriage, let's have fun together like we used to in the old times".
"T-the old times? Kaleigh, you're pregnant, remember?"

"I'm pregnant, not in my death bed".
"Even so, it's kind of risky. I'm supposed to take care of you, not have fun with you".
"You love risk, don't you? And as I remember you never played hard to get with me before. Come on, Robby, you seem lonely, let me take care of you", Kaleigh said, getting dangerously near. 
Robin started to falter, again he had to gather all his strength to overcome Kaleigh's charms.

"Kale, that's it, okay? Sorry, but I'm not doing this. I'm in so much trouble already."
"What kind of trouble?"
"That's none of your business".
"Like I said, you are acting very weird".
"I got my reasons. Now, will you behave for once and let me go to work?"
"You've become super boring, did you know that?"

"I'm the same I always was".
"No, this isn't you. You used to be daring and fun. Now you seem nervous, troubled, even scared. Tell me, have you been taking your suppressants on time?"
Robin was frozen. Dang, the suppressants! He had forgotten about them completely. He hadn't taken them in almost two years. No wonder his emotions were surfacing. Stop taking the suppressants was totally against the Oasis Landing law, so - yeah, he was in deep trouble.

"Robby?  You went suddenly so quiet. Is something wrong?
"It's nothing. Listen, I really have to go, so make yourself at home".
"And what am I going to do here by myself all day?"
"I don't know, play the Rythm-a-con, take a walk, chat with your buddies from  the police department?"
"Yeah, well -."

"If you get hungry there's plenty of food in the fridge, or you can use the food synthesizer. Help yourself to whatever you like and, please, stay out of trouble".
"Why do I have the impression that you're running away from me?"

"I'm not running away. Just like you, I'm a slave of the system who needs to work for a living. I'll be back in two hours, take care of yourself, Kale".
"Yeah, okay", Kaleigh sighed. 

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