Aug 21, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 102 - Good and Bad News

As the day progressed, Kaleigh was feeling more and more bored. She wasn't the stay-at-home type of woman. She liked action, she was a policewoman for a reason. She also liked fun and being locked up didn't amuse her at all.

So, while Robin was at work, she decided to follow his advice and tried to entertain herself playing the Rythm-a-Con.  

She went out for a little swim as well, even when the sky was a bit overcast.

When Robin returned, he changed his clothes for something more comfortable and fixed lunch for both. They had a nice time chatting and remembering their years at the Time Academy, the High School equivalent in the Future. The rest of the day Robin seemed more relaxed which made Kaleigh feel even more confident. 

The next morning, they went to the Oasis Landing Hospital and Science Center for Kaleigh's medical appointment. It was one of Robin's responsibilities to be aware of her and the baby's health status.

Kaleigh went in alone and Robin waited for her outside. Maybe it wasn't the politest thing to do, but that way it was easier for him to keep the distance and boundaries between the two of them. And Kaleigh agreed.

When the consultation finished, Kaleigh came out more excited than ever.
"Everything went fine, I guess", Robin said.
"More than fine. It's perfect. The baby is healthy, of a good size, and-- it's a boy!"
"Is he?"
"Yes. Can you believe it? Your first child is a boy! As a Traveler you'll get an instant heir, isn't that just wonderful?"

"Robin? Aren't you going to say something? Aren't you happy with the news?"
"What do you say? Of course I'm happy".
"Then, why are you so serious?"
"I'm not serious, just-- overwhelmed with joy".
"Are you really?"

"Of course I am, come on, come here", Robin said, hugging her tenderly.
Kaleigh breathed with relief, Robin didn't. If Kaleigh knew that this wasn't his first-born child, or his first male child for the matter. Should he tell her? Like hell he should, but not at that moment. Maybe later - if he gathered the courage.

After a brief pause, Kaleigh pulled away to look at him.
"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. The people of the RSL want you to come to see them, they need to talk to you".
"Really? About what?"
"I don't know, they said something about your DNA".

"My DNA? What's wrong with my DNA?"
"How would I know? I'm a cop, not a scientist".
"True. Well, I'll call them as soon as I can".
"Let's hope you won't forget this time".
"Yeah, well -. Robin answered, blushed.

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