May 9, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 52 - Who's That Girl? - Part 2

The girl sat at Robin's table and ate her cake but did not speak to him.

Robin thought maybe she was shy, so when she got up to leave, he followed her and introduced himself.
"Hi, my name is Robin Crane."
"Ann Conners," the blonde replied without much enthusiasm.
"I haven't seen you on campus before, are you new?"
"Of course not, I'm in my last semester of Fine Arts, are you?"
"Science and Medicine, last semester too. But how come I've never seen you before."

"… Because I don't like to attend Meet & Greets."
"And why wouldn't such a popular girl come to such a social event?"
Ann Conners smiled for the first time.
"Popular? I'm not popular. In fact, I'm quite the opposite."
"That's not true, all those boys…they were looking at you."
"They're looking at me because they think I'm weird."

"I don't think you're weird. I think you're beautiful, Ann."
"If you knew me well you wouldn't say that."
"Well, I would like to get to know you. Maybe we can go out sometime?"
"Wow, you're going fast," Ann replied, returning to her unenthusiastic tone, and walked away, leaving Robin standing in the middle of the room.

An hour later, it was she who looked for him in the conference room. 
"Hi, stranger." Robin took the opportunity to apologize.
"Ann, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, I didn't mean to go so fast, I just wanted to meet you."
"Hm. You know, Robin, I think you're weird too. I couldn't say why, but you're different from the other guys. And me being the queen of the weirdos on this campus, maybe I should hang out with you. My phone number is in the student directory, call me," Ann said and again turned to leave.

Robin wanted to tell her something else, but her phone was ringing (just now?).
"Yes? Ah, Dustin, sorry, I can't talk right now, I'm busy. I'll call you later, okay? Bye."

Maybe Ann Conners was weird, but it was precisely because of her "weirdness" that, to Robin, she seemed like the perfect person to start his dynasty…. Or so he thought. But Ann, like Juliette, had her own plans and ambitions. And Robin, again, didn't consider that, he was so bewitched by her that he couldn't even think. It had been love at first sight!

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