May 11, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 55 - Robin's New Romance

After graduation, Robin returned to Aurora Skies...

For the time being, he stayed at his vacation house with Five, his assistant plumbot. Would it be a good idea to bring Bethany to the present? Nope, bad idea. It wasn't a good idea either to host Ann at this house. Too much advanced technology for her to know about yet.
Plus, everything in this house reminds him of Juliette, after all they had met there a few times.

"Juliette. I must stop thinking of you, I must start over and go on with my plans without you".

To forget about Juliette and focus completely in his project, Robin bought another house, something more traditional and modest, without any advanced technology.

"Hmm, a bit small, but not bad at all".
Of course, anything would seem small compared to his high tech home in the Future!

Ann arrived the next morning. Robin was in awe. She's prettier than he remembered!

Robin didn't waste time and asked her to go steady.

She of course said yes and her visit turned into a romantic date.

A very hot date, indeed...

Which ended in... well, you know, like it was meant to end.

Robin is so in love with her! Ann is not exactly a romantic, but she's happy to have found him. He's exactly what she was looking for, the man of her dreams!

Their first night together was glorious...

After their romantic encounter, almost the early morning, they went out to watch the stars. They had spent a beautiful time together, but what would happen when Ann had to return home? 

Nothing, 'cause Robin wouldn't let her. He asked her to move in with him. Ann thought for a moment. This was her opportunity to stop being the "weird" girl, the inappropriate,the nutcase that everyone made fun of. 

With Robin she'd have a family, a house, a normal life, but... What about her Music career? Could she succeed at it and become the famous artist she'd always dreamed to be? No idea. She didn't know either if she could make Robin happy, but still her answer was...

"Yes, Robin, of course I'll move in with you".
Robin couldn't be happier. There was a problem, though. He omitted to tell Ann that he had come from the Future, that his household consisted of two robots, that he was a time traveler with one mission: to start his own dynasty and save the world.

Small detail, huh?

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