Mar 20, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 20 - A Serious Conversation

The next morning, on their way to school, Robin didn't say a word about the night before, and this made Juliette feel even more confused. 

When returned home, Judith quickly became aware of the situation.
"Hey, I think you two should talk".

"Rob, can we go outside?, Juliette asked. 
"Of course, let's go", he answered.

They went out for dinner, it was their second date, during which they had a serious conversation. He confessed his feelings to her and she told him she felt the same way, she just didn't know what to do about Gilon. She'd like to break up with him, but she was afraid to hurt him". 

"Have you talked to Gilon already?, Robin asked the next evening.
"Not yet", Juliette replied. 
Robin was starting to despair. 

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