Mar 21, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 23 -Juliette's Promise - Part 1

"I'm sorry that you had to go through such a difficult childhood".
"I tell you I'm gonna be fine, but - do you understand now why I dream of having my own family, a wife and lots of children?"
"I understand, but we're gonna wait, aren't we? First, we have to do something with our lives and our careers, we have to succeed and become renowned scientists, don't we, Robin?
Robin gasped.
"Yes, yes of course".

"Robin, am I with you in the Future?
"Well, you were not with me the day I left, but I suppose that will change soon".
"Do you think so? Won't I be too old for you or dead already when you go back there?"
"Nah, you'll be just fine".
"How do you know?".
"I can't tell you. Traveler's rules, remember? But I just know."

"Ok but, when we get married, will you tell me everything?"
"Only if you go with me to the Future".
"I'll go anywhere with you, to the end of the world if necessary".
"Hey, be careful what you wish for, dear".

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