Mar 21, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 22 - Robin's Secret - Part 2

"So, what is your real last name?"
"I don't know, Crane wouldn't tell me".
"That is one of the many things I have yet to find out.
"Where is he now?"
"No idea, he disappeared one night, shortly after I turned five years old. I was taken to the Community Living Center and I lived there until I finished high school and was able to get a job."
"Do you know how your parents died?" 

"No, but even if I knew, I'm not allowed to reveal events from the Future that could modify or affect the Past... I mean, the Present.
"Even if by revealing them you could save your parents' life?"
"Even so. It sucks, I know, but I must follow the rules or I'll lose mi permission to time travel using the Portal".
"Can't you reveal at least a bit of what awaits the humanity in 2054?"
"No, but you would be able to see it for yourself, if you'd come to the Future with me".

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