Dec 20, 2020

Landon's Roomies

Landon's University Life before knowing Celeste Bentley was very peaceful, but also a bit lonely, so he decided to look for roomies, some of which would become the members of his first musical band.

One of the first to arrive was Debbie Richards, she studied Business and had a degree in Science and Medicine, but she was good with the guitar. She doesn't have a very good temper, but with Landon she was always special. In fact, rumors had it that she had fallen in love with him since the beginning.

Then came Alexa,  (Asala Karam's younger sister, according to my story). She had and even more difficult temper than Debbie's, but she was a loyal friend for Landon. She was in the Fine Arts career but she didn't finish it, now she studies Technology.

Landon, washing the dishes after breakfast. This morning it was his turn, but now that there's three of them at the apartment they can share the cleaning tasks.

Debbie, posing for one of Landon's sketches.

"Is this okay?"
"Yeah, that's it. It's perfect, Deb".

"Can I see the sketch?"
"Patience, I'm almost done".

"One last touch, and..."

"Done! What do you think?"
A long silence from Debbie, and then...

"It's perfect, all your drawings are. You'll be a great artist, Landon".
"Thanks, Deb, but I want to be a musician".

The third roomie to arrive was Kyle Heilman, a guitarist. With him and Debbie, Landon formed his first band: The Rebels.

Kyle studied Art, Technology, Business and Physical Education, he was the most quiet and reliable of the roomies. That was why he quickly became Landon's best friend and his right hand in the band.

Then came Paris Vanderbuilt, with whom Landon had a brief romance before knowing Celeste. Paris didn't study Arts, but Business, so she wasn't a part of the band.

Another classmate who joined later was Mugsy Brotoaski, a Physical Education, Fine Arts and Communication student, and also The Rebels drummer. When he arrived in the house, Alexa didn't receive him well.

Especially because of Mugsy's insistence in starting a romance with her.
"Eww, no thanks!"

Alexa isn't romantic at all and she hated Mugsy entering her room, especially when she was wearing just her underwear.
"Mugsy, I already told you I won't be your girlfriend, when will you understand?"

Shortly after, Landon met Clark Gant. The first thing he did was to draw him.

Just like Debbie, Clark was fascinated with Landon's drawings. Later he joined the group as a roomie, although not as a band member, cause Clark isn't a musician, he studied Fine Arts, Technology and Business.

With the company of these friends Landon was able to live his University Life. There weren't any surprises, except maybe Paris' insistence in restarting their relationship, which Landon declined, cause he ahd fallen in love with Celeste.

Time went by very quickly, and without noticing it, along with the next winter, Graduation day arrived

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