Oct 17, 2020

Tony's Bitter Days

Before knowing what will happen with Cassandra and Dean, let's go back in time to see what was happening in Island Paradise before Dean came back for Cassandra. Remember she had left him in Brindleton Bay (Sims 4 gameplay) to move to Island Paradise in order to be close to her children. We also know that Tony divorced Mia, then he lived with Aislara for a while, but they broke up and Tony was left alone. At this point is where we will take up the story

After his break-up with Aisalra, Tony was left all by himself, so he looked for some distractions to deal with his loneliness.

One of them was, of course, his travels around the world with its corresponding adventures.

Other was his job as a diver for the City Hall of Island Paradise.

And another was the purchase of a luxurious villa at the Island, to which he moved in order to escape from the memory of Aislara. Until then, all these occupied his mind and his time.

He even learned from a friend, the propietor of the the Rattlesnake Juice bar, that Dean Lothario, Cassandra's ex boyfriend had came from Brindleton Bay to look for her.

Rumor had it  Cassandra not only had restarted her relationship with Dean, but she was engaged to be married to him.

This unexpected news turned Tony bitter and made him obsessed again with Cassandra. So, after many days of being sober, he started drinking again.

For a good amount of time, he forgot about his travels, his diving quests, his boat rides in search of treasure and uncharted islands, and found shelter at the bar to drink and think about her.

He even went to his house one night to see her, but she didn't open the door. It was a fact that Cassandra had forgotten him because of her boyfriend, Dean Lothario.

Tony looked for her the next few nights, but Cassandra never came out.

Apparently, she was happy with Dean. Only a lucky strike or a miracle could prevent her from marrying him, so Tony decided not to look for her again. He was resigned, he'd go on with his life and try to forget her (although he doubted that could be possible).

One of the things Tony did to distract himself was take up one of his favorite hobbies: playing the drums.

He practiced meditation as well to control his urge to drink and the negative thoughts.

And restarted his travels around the world, starting with Shang Simla, China. 

This was a retreat trip, more than an exploration one, some sort of escape from the real world to relax.

Little did Tony know that he was about to have an unexpected and pleasant reencounter with his past.

Tony's new villa is Villa Le Rose by gokukaren Sims 3 Exchange
Rattlesnake Juice, Ts4 to TS3 by bellakenobi en Mod the Sims

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