Sep 5, 2020

Megan Langerak

Megan Langerak became a young adult.

Megan is the daughter of Kevin Langerak (Dustin and Iliana's youngest son) and Sandi French (daughter of Molly). Here are the three of them, the day of Megan's graduation from High School. (My apologies for Sandi's random clothes. XD).

Megan decided not to go to the University and stay in Sunset Valley to dedicate herself to the Alchemist career.

Coming out of the Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries where she went to buy ingredients for her potions.

On her way home.

When she arrived a surprise was waiting for her: they had just brought her new pet, a baby horse called Baron.

Megan and Baron hit it off quickly.

Lunch time.

It looks like Baron is full now.

And back to work at the elixirs store.

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