Sep 12, 2020

Cristina and Ari's Wedding

Cristina Bunch at last revelaed who his secret lover was: no less than Ari Keaton, the son of Justine and Marty Keaton (may they rest in peace). Ethan wasn't happy at all cause Ari is much older than Cristina, he could be her father! But she's very much in love with him, so she doesn't care.

Sonja doesn't mind the age thing, she's just happy to see Cristina happy, cause, just like Ethan, she loves her as if she was her own child.

Before their cheerful guests, Cristina and Ari make their wedding vows and exchange rings.

During the ceremony, the guests could notice that another member of the Bunch and Keaton families is on its way.  One more of the many surprises Cristina had for them. Her sister Ariel (her cousin really) is in the first row, applauding to the top of her lungs.

Cristina and Ari are husband and wife, now let's celebrate!

Ethan (right) seems resigned, all he wants is for Cristina to be happy. Ah, if her mother could see her! But sadly, it was all so rushed that it was impossible for him to locate Lisa and notify her.

But anyway, Cristina is happy. And she has the obsession for finding her biological parents now that she's going to have a family of her own.

Ethan loves her as if she was his own child, so he has no other option but to celebrate with her.

Ari and Cristina Keaton, enjoying their wedding cake.

The baby is coming! Cristina and Ari hardly had time to prepare for its arrival.

Back home with the baby, they called her Stacey. Luckily, a few days earlier, Ari was able to buy a crib and give the house a hand. Now it looks much more cozy.

It's the same house where Harold and Pauline Langerak lived before, with a nice and refreshing view of the Old Pier Beach.

Cristina is beaming and ready to enjoy her new family life. But she still wonders, where could her real parents be? Do they know about her existance? Do they care? Well, why worry about that now that a life of love and happinnes awaits for her next to Ari and little Stacey?

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