Sep 13, 2020

Party at the Bachelors House

It's Dusty Bachelor's birthday and almost all of Sunset Valley reunited to celebrate, cause the Bachelors are one of the most beloved families in the city.

Also accompanying Dustin, of course, are his mother, Tanya, his brother Phillip and his younger sister Felicity. , y su hermana menor, Felicity; as well as his grandparents Jocasta and Simis (at the bottom).

His father, Michael, was present for a while, cause it was also his birthday and he had his own cake. Here we can see him blowing out the candles as Cornelia Goth and Cristina Buch cheer him up.

But Michael was exhausted from work, so he thamked the guests, congratulated Dusty and went off to sleep.

The party went on and the guests stayed to celebrate with Dusty, among them were the Goths, a few of the Langeraks, Sam Sekemoto, and even Don Lothario, who came all the way from Riverview to see his girlfriend, Cassandra Goth. 

Cassandra (right), here with her grandfather Gunther and Iliana Langerak. 

Alexander attended too, but not his parents Mortimer and Bella, (Dusy's uncle and aunt), who were notable by their abscense. They got a divorce a while ago, they moved to Hidden Springs and there they and there they married again, each one on their own. There is nothing to indicate that they will soon be back to Sunset Valley, but who knows? Being the Goths, anything can happen.

And the moment came for Dusty to become a young adult!

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