Aug 1, 2020

Jessica and Royce: A Rushed Wedding

As we already know, Jessica discovered she was pregnant, so she and Royce had to get marry right away, although marrying wasn't among their plans.

As everything was so rushed, they had to have a very simple ceremony and with a few guests. Cassandra couldn't attend cause she was on a vacation with her boyfriend Dean Lothario, and because she didn't agree with that marriage.

Tony attended, but he was a bit sad during the ceremony. Other guests who accompanied Jessica on such an important day were her aunt Alexandra (Romina's mother);  and Tony's cousin Antoine.

It wasn't a glamorous wedding like Ashley and Sean's. The guests couldn't even dress properly due to the unusual cold, but even with all these obstacles, the ceremony went ahead.

Jessica pronnouced her vows in front of her friends and family, including his younger brother Bradley, and his half-brother Dorian, the son of Aislara, who wasn't present either by the way.

Even with the cold the wedding was carried out without a hitch. Jessica and Royce exchanged rings and became husband and wife. Now Jessica Langerak is Jessica Allani.

Tony didn't have any other choice but to resign himself to see them as much in love as ever.

Royce was now his son-in-law, the father of his grandson, there was nothing left to do but welcome him to the family, so he joined in the applause for the newlyweds. 

Gloria was one of the first to approach them to congratulate them. After all she knew Royce from the time when they both worked for the Langeraks.

Simon and Daniel arrived later, but they were there. By the way, they were the only ones wearing formal suits.

They both estimate Royce and have always supported their sister in everything, so they had to celebrate with her this time too.

Jessica and Royce cut the cake and shared it with their guests.

At the end of the party, Tony approached Jessica at last to give her his congratulations, and to take a selfie with her.

"I'm sorry that your mom couldn't attend".
"Oh, that's okay, she just called to congratulate me".
"Are you sure this is what you wanted, Jess?"
"Okay, it's your life, just don't put your plans aside".
"Don't worry, Dad, I'm gonna be an explorer come what may, I promise".

The guests have left, the Allanis are left alone in their future home.

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