May 20, 2020

The Queen's Personal Chambers - Parte 3 and Last

Tony placed the crescent moon shaped keystone and unlocked the door.

He enters the next room to see what's in it and there it is: the key to the Queen's Chambers!

After getting hold of it, he goes to see what's in the chest. It's another key. The Market Cellar key #5.

He will deal with the cellar later, now the impotant thing is to go in the Queen Hatshepsut's chambers.

He places the key in the lock an unlocks the last door.

This led to a small room with a staircase which he doesn't hesitate to climb.

He's upstairs now, there's just one aisle left to go down.

And there he is. Tony has completed the legendary adventure of the Queen Hatshepsut's Chambers.

He goes straight to open the chest and finds a book. Judging by the blazoned title page and its age, it could be something like the queen's personal diary.

That's the proof Tahiya talked about, he must take it to Farouk immediately.

But first, he checks the last chest. He finds a relic, the egyptian emblem of Queen Hatshepstu. It's not of great value, but, again, it is something.

Then he inspects the hole on the wall next to the chest.

One more treasure: 120 ancient coins.

And that's all. Tony uses the lateral stairs to get out of the tomb. eso es todo. 

The quest ended. Finally he'll able to rest!

Upstairs, at the end of the corridor, there's a switch on the floor.

Tony stands on it.

And activates a mechanism that reveals a secret door. He wishes for it to be the exit.

To his luck, it is, since it led him back to the first room.

Tony is relieved that's he's able to get out of that labyrinth.

Outside is already the evening, but even so he'll go to see Rashid to tell him the news.

"Goodbey Queen Hatshepsut Temple".

"I hope I don't have to go back for quite a while."

Though somewhat tired already, Tony goes to Farouk's house, reports his findings to him, and hands him the book that he found at the temple.
Farouk couldn't contain his excitement:
"Do you know what this is? It's Queen Hatshepsut's personal diary! You did it! Right here it says the name of my ancestor and his incredible... uh, resistance. It's the proof I have been looking for my whole life. Thank you very much, Tony. I hope that my reward will be of value for you, since the only thing I have".

Tony has won 605 ancient coins, the treasures found, and the sacred right to take a rest. It's been a long and exhausting yet satisfying adventure.

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