May 18, 2020

The Queen's Personal Chambers - Parte 1

Back in Al Simhara, Tony headed for the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, willing to fullfill Tahiya Shalut's request.

His mission was to enter the queen's chambers uising the other keystone and search for anything useful to Farouk Rashid. 

Once inside the temple, he placed the key in the lock.

A staircase appeared on the floor behind his back.

 Now, to investigate what is downstairs.

Nothing relevant, apparently. Only a living room with a chair, a few statues and a door to the right.

Behind the chair there's a fence, and at the other side, more statues an bigger door, but it's locked with chains. He should find a way to open it.

To do so, he'd have to go through the first door.

At the other side there's only a corridor with another door at the bottom, and... oh no, movable statues!

Next to them there's a narrower corridor  

But before he goes down it, Tony decided to deal with the statues.

The first three weren't movable, but the next two were.

Using all his strenght, Tony moved both of them and...

Surprise, there was another statue behind and, at the bottom, a floor switch. Tony knew what he had to do.

He placed the statue on the switch and took the gold that laid next it.

The switch unlocked a door in the nook at the bottom of the narrow corridor next to the statues.

Behind that door was another corridor, and another door that looked like the first one. Apparently, Tony had arrived to the other side of the hall. The front door is still locked with chains, he'll deal with it later, first he'll see what's behind the other one.

Another aisle, with another stone statue.

He'd have to drag it to the switch on the floor at the other side. This was starting to get boring, but anyway...

Tony drags the statue all along the corridor until he's able to place it on the floor switch.

Which unlocks the first door.

He goes through it and he's back in the main hall.

There is another switch to stand on.

Tony doesn't wait and...

A staircase appeared at the other side of the fence, in front of the chair. Perhaps downstairs are the proofs that he should take to Farouk.

As he goes down the stairs...  Yes, that's right, another movable statue with its respective switch. Tony is fed up, but he goes ahead. He won't leave Al Simhara without his reward! 

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