Apr 27, 2020

Promoting Tahiya Shalut - Part 1

Tony arrives and hands the relic to Farouk Rashid to cash his reward of 75 ancient coins, plus 500 simoleons and then... 
"Hm, this isn't the decisive test yet but I'll keep this relic and see what other secrets it holds. In the meantime, my friend still needs some help. Your previous efforts haven't helped him much. But I have another idea..."

"Maybe you could use some of your foreign charm and talk to 5 locls about Tahiya Shalut and how wonderful she is. And tell Tahiya what you have done, since there's no doubt that the reward will be huge".

The opportunity isn't a big deal, it's just about spreading good rumors about a certain Tahiya Shalut among the local people to help Anwar. The pay is sure to be good, so Tony accepts the mission.

He still has two days left in Al Simhara, they will be enough and besides, he has a lot of friends here who he can talk to. It will be a piece of cake!

He decided to go to Ameen and Nabila Moussa's house first.

He talked with Ameen first about what a great person Tahiya Shalut is.

"Now that I think about it, she's great. Maybe we should hang out more", Ameen answered. Zero and one goes.

Then he talked to Nabila, she gave him the same exact answer. That makes two.

And as Uum was at home too, well Tony talked to her too.
"Your words are of great weight to me. I'll think better of this person", Uum replied. With her there are three locals already.

The promotion is going well, only two more to go, but Tony is a bit tired, so he will go home and continue tomorro.

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