Jan 14, 2020

Tony and Mia

 Mia Azul was a charming redhead with an aura of mystery that made Tony fall for her instantly.


They had met one afternoon when Tony was returning from one of his diving quests. Shortly after, they started seeing each other secretly in his houseboat, while Aislara was out on one of her music tours.

Tony and Mia's romance turned more and more serious. He broke up with Aislara through a text message and notified his family about his new relationship.

Tony's children immediately  hated Mia, they thought she behaved strangely, as if she was hiding something. They thought as well that it had been unfair from their father to break up with Aislara that way.

But Tony didn't care, and shortly after, he proposed marriage to Mia. 

In spite of his children's protests, he married her in a private ceremony at his houseboat.

(To be Continued)

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