Jan 19, 2020

Sunset Valley Memories

I'll continue posting my Island Paradise-Langeraks gameplay, los Langerak, but from now I'll be publishing as well pictures of Sunset Valley, which is where Tony's grandfather Parker Langerak was born. This game is mostly about Parker's life and his parents' Dustin and Iliana, his sister Kaylynn, his aunt  Zelda Mae, and some of his neighbors like the BunchGothLandgraab and Alto familiesetc.

We'll see how some of them grew up, went to school, got married, had children and grandchildren; how they advanced in their careers, got old and, in some cases, died. Although it won't be a story as such, but rather a few pieces of what the life at Sunset Valley was before Tony and even his father, Milton, were born.

We'll start with Dustin, Iliana and Zelda Mae.

(*Note that all these sims got my classical makeover to adapt them to my gamestyle).

Dustin Langerak, a man devoted to his family, friendly but with no manners; unemployed at the begininning, at last got a job at the Sunset Valley Police Department. Married to Iliana and with three children, he suddenly found himself envolved in a love triangle with his sister-in-law, Zelda Mae, with whom he had three children too. His lifetime wish was Surrounded by Family, and boy, did he get it.

Iliana Langerak, Dustin's wife, neat, perfectionist and workaholic. She started a career as Department Head but she got to be the CEO of a mega corporation, as it was her Lifetime wish. Mother of three: Parker, Kaylynn, and the youngest, Kevin; Iliana never separated from Dustin, not even after discovering that he had cheated on her with her own sister.

Zelda Mae: childish, flirty and a party animal, during her youth and part of her adulthood she lived at the Langerak's home, until her secret romance with Dustin was discovered by Iliana. Then she had to move out on her own and live on what he earned from his music career. She never achieve her lifetime wish: Become a Rockstar; she never married either, she continued her relationship with Dustin and had three children with him: the triplets Harold, Horace and Tanya Langerak. After Zelda became a mother, Dustin started to support her and her children and continued to do it for the rest of her life.

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