A panoramic view of Del Sol Valley, the city in The Sims 4 Get Famous
Hi to all who still read this blog not so many now, huh? Maybe none. A while ago I returned to play The Sims, but I didn't last long cause my computer wasn't in very good shape and I had some issues with my graphic card. Finally, by the middle of this year I sent it to the repair shop and I was able to play again, more joyfully than ever.
I gave The Sims 4 a chance, I swear I did, and I had tons of fun, but I had to use hundreds of mods in order not to get bored cause the game is lacking and it's full of bugs. The main issue is that, with every EP or game pack, comes a new updte that makes those mods to stop working, and they have to be updated too, constantly, which breaks the game immersion, which is in itself difficult to achieve, because of the lack of gameplay.
Anyway, I played The Sims 4 from August through October, and after the latest patch something got messed, I lost my patience and gave up. I'm not saying it's isn't a cute game, even funny, not as much as the Sims 3 or 2, but I insist, its lacking something, or should I say, it lacks a lot. I rather wait for the developers to fix all those bugs from the beginning of november and the ones who might have emerged with the release of Discover University; or when they finish creating expansions and the updates are finished. Even so, I admit that I had great fun, specially with Get Famous, of which I leave you some images.
My sim Michelle, in one of the roles of her life.
The super famous Michelle in a futuristic plot.
Other EPs and SPs I loved were Island Living and Jungle Adventure (no surprise, lol). But anyway, the real news is that I've returned to play The Sims 3, which, after the repair of my computer, runs beautifully, no lag and no issues.
Besides, I've followed a series of recommendations to avoid all the known issues, especially with Island Paradise, which is the world where I'm playing right now, besides Sunset Valley. Soon I'll tell you what has happened in my game since the beginning of November, which is when I restarted it, with new pictures of characters whose lives I left 'pending's for almost four years.
Tony Langerak, after discovering an uncharted island in Island Paradise.
Tony and his firstborn son, Simon.
Of course, I will also publich my pics of The Sims 4, since I have a lot from the nearly three months I played, but let's take it slow. For now, I welcome you back to my blog, I hope you enjoy with the crazy adventures of my beloved sims.
I apologize in advance for all the changes and things that may look misplaced, since, for the moment, this blog is in reconstruction.
Thanks for reading!
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