Life in Sharona and Mahmoud's house went on. All the details of their upcoming wedding were ready, bu they decided to spend the days before this great event, being calm and relaxed in the company of Cid and Nicole.
Mahmoud took a few days off from work.
Sharon made the most of her time practicing her street art skill in the gardens of her house.
Cid was a little bit quiet, perhaps because he knew he was going to miss his good friends, since Sharona and Mahmoud would move into their new house after the wedding.
However, he found a way to entertain himself without thinking to much until the day of the ceremony.
Nicole, for her part, ocuppied her time in honing her Science skill to improve her career. She was the only one of the four that didn't stop working on the big day's eve.

The brand new home of the future Yavari-Racket newly weds, ready to receive their happy occupants.
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