And since we're talking about the Kamels of Hidden Springs, let's see what has happened with the Wassems, one of my favorite and most beloved sim families. Kay is the daughter of Elisa Goth and Gan Huan; granddaughter of Mortimer and Myra Goth. After graduating in the Science career at the University, Kay married Aaron Wassem, son of Farid Kamel's half-brother Khaled. (Khaled is much younger than Farid, so I consider Aaron a part of the third generation). I have broadly narrated Kay and Aaron's story in my University Life posts.
Kay and Aaron, celebrating their daughter Kristina's birthday.
Kristina became a toddler.
Kay, enjoying a few minutes more with Kristina before leaving for work.
Aaron, working in his orchard after the party, while Dakota, the family dog, plays with the sprinkler.
At night, Aaron and Kay proceeded to try for a baby to give Kristina a little brother.
After said attempt (apparently successful), Aaron felt hungry, so he went to the kitchen for another piece of cake.
Kay went directly to sleep, she didn't want to eat anything that would make her nauseous in the morning. In case she was pregnant already, that is.
A few days later, Kay confirmed that she was indeed pregnant and announced it to Aaron.
He was so happy that he played with Kristina more than the usual.
Kristina never had so much fun with her dad like that morning.
Kay didn't have any doubt that Aaron was a great father.
A typical morning break in Hidden Springs...
Very early, Aaron leaves for the supermarket to sell his produce.
In the evening he tends his garden. With great love and care he tends each plant until all of them are perfectly fine.
During all of Kay's pregnancy, Aaron helped her taking care of Kristina, specially at night.
Kristina can't sleep unless something is read to her.
"Alright, alright, let's read".
Aaron proceeded to read her his favorite story, one from the Jimmy Sprocket series.
But Kristina didn't get to hear the end of the story.
"Wow, that was fast. Okay, good night, sweetie."
The next morning was a bit rainy, but still Aaron went out to play with Dakota cause he noticed she felt a bit lonely.
The play didn't last long, though, cause Kay announced that the baby was coming.
Aaron, Kay and Kristina had to rush to the hospital in the middle of a downpour.
They made it to the hospital on time.
It was a boy! They called him Nathan.
When they were out, hours later, it was still raining cats and dogs, and Nathan wouldn't stop crying cause he was very hungry.
Fortunately they got home quickly and Nathan was able to eat.
Then he was installed comfortably in his crib and everybody else could rest a little.
What a day!
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