Oct 13, 2014

My Sims 4 Families on Pause

Before starting this post, I want to tell you that I've stopped playing my Sims 4 families due to the lack of a family tree, which affects my generations gamestyle. On the other hand, my plate has been filled with bugs, like the one with the babysitter that just charges you but doesn't do anything; the birth of either all boys or all girls in several attempts; the fact that only boys are ever found in the park. There are no girls, except for the few that my sims have had, among all barely three. And, to top it off, all with exactly the same face!

 By the way, I don't know if other players have noticed, but the sims look different in the game than they do in CAS. And sometimes even, all the sims look like clones, the only thing that differentiates them is hair. Maybe this is just my impression, I couldn't tell. Also, the loading screens are a nightmare, especially for me, who am a monument to impatience. Added to all of the above is the lack of anything interesting in the game mechanics, as after a while the interactions, and even the goals, become repetitive. 

Lastly, there's the lack of possibilities to customize the sims, the absence of a color wheel and a create-a-style tool, and the lack of custom content in general. I'm not gonna lie, I like the game a lot, it entertains me, its interface is easy to use, the interactions and animations are lovely and CAS definitely is a wonder, but for the moment I've reached my limit when it comes to gameplay.

Perhaps when the first EP is out, if they have fixed the bugs and the loading screen time is reduced to seconds...  Or better off if they can get rid completely of said loading screens, I could play Sims 4 again. Or maybe I'll play once in a while, but not with Generations styled families. 

In the meantime, I leave you with this pics of my favorite Sims 4 sims. My apologies for the plumbobs and other small details, some pictures were taken when I was still not used to this game's camera style.

Matthew Jordan: The 'Bad Guy' from Oasis Springs  

Matt is the sim I played with the most in The Sims 4. I enrolled him in the Criminal career, which I rarely ever do cause I don't like my sims following the wrong path, but being this an unexplored career it managed to keep my interest for a while. Matt reminds me of one of my old Sims 2 stories character, a repentant criminal, who, after several misfortunes, straightens his path. Perhaps someday Matt will straighten his route, get himself a true job and starts working seriously for his wife and children. But for the moment, he seems happy wreaking havoc all over Oasis Springs.

Matt's favorite sites are the bars. 

He is not fond of booze, but he is fond of music and dancing. At night he entertains himself at the Blue Velvet causing trouble and flirting with girls. He has already broken several women's hearts and gotten into fights with some men. 

Matt has made several enemies as his career requires it, but so far he has never lost a fight.

One of the main problems Matt has gotten into is his not-so-secret-anymore romance with Dina Caliente, about which even his wife Kim is aware. 

Each time Dina has the nerve to show up at her own home, Kim goes to great lengths to chase her away, but not before making it clear to her that Matt already has a wife. 

Ah, but Dina is a tough nut to crack and it doesn't look like she's going to give up.

Ever since I created Matt in the CAS demo I knew he would shine in the game, although I think he doesn't look like a criminal, but more like a cartoon villain. 

Maybe that's what makes him special. I hope that soon there will be more custom content options to perfect Matt and all my sims in general. I've slowed down my pace with The Sims 4 for the moment, but I still open the game from time to time to create sims and take screenshots to keep sharing, along with my well-known -and beloved- memories of The Sims 3. ;D

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