Sep 30, 2014

An Afternoon at the Faire

The Lucks chose to spend the afternoon at the Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire. 

Both Wylie and Sabrina practiced archery. 

Wylie also practiced fishing, a skill that was essential for him to ascend in his job. Truth be told, fishing at the Reinaissance Faire was way more entertaining and relaxing than doing it at some frozen lake in Hidden Springs. 

Sabrina found archery much more entertaining than fishing.

The kids enjoyed the playground area...

Tristan thought it was nice to ride this little horses, erm, I mean, dragon.

He and Winston had lots of fun with them, although, of course, they would've preferred to see a real dragon, like those rumors were talking about.

Later, Wylie and Sabrina left the archery practice to take a break, during which she serenaded him with her violin. 

Wylie was simply delighted. Sabrina is a very talented violin player, she dominates her instrument perfeclty. 

Then they practiced archery again, until the evening. They ended their tour with a dinner at (Medieval) Hogan's Fried Dinner and then they went home.

The boys were exhausted, plus the next day was their first day of school, so they went to bed early. Hat night they dreamed with all they would do during their stay in Dragon Valley. They wished they could live there forever! 

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