The next morning Kay could hardly believe it. It hadn't been a dream, she and Aaron were married!
They had plan to go on a honeymoon, but that would be until Kay's experiment with the Forbidden Fruit would be concluded, that is, when the plant gave its fruit, and it wasn't much longer now.
Sure, the fact that they weren't going on a trip now, didn't mean there wouldn't have a wedding night. Kay and Aaron wanted to go somewhere to celebrate, but it was hailing big time so they cancelled and stayed home.
Dakota found that perfect after feeling neglected during the wedding.
Aaron used the time at home to talk to and take care of the plant. It was his idea that sometimes it felt lonely and needed a little talk, no matter what the topic.
The weather outside was still awful, and to make matters worse, Kay began to feel nauseous and dizzy.
At one point the nausea was so strong that she barely made it to the basement bathroom, which was the closest one. Had the wedding banquet been so bad for her?
"Kay, are you okay?"
"Erm, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, darling".
Later that night the weather was better and so was Kay. That cheered Aaron up, who proposed that they go to celebrate at The Grind club. Everything went smoothly until they went out. Then Kay felt sick again, although she tried not to make a big deal out of it.
"Maybe you should see a doctor".
"That won't be necessary, Aaron. I tell you I'm gonna be fine".
As Aaron insisted they would go to the hospital, on arriving home Kay told him her suspicions.
"I still haven't confirmed it 'scientifically", it's likely I'm not sick - but pregnant".
Aaron went speachless for a moment.
But then he reacted with excitement.
"Pregnant? Yes, I'm gonna be a Dad!
After cheering and congratulating Kay, Aaron visited the Forbidden Fruit plant at the lab again. It was ready to be harvested, just now! Aaron wondered if he should proceed with the harvest, knowing that they would have a baby. As Kay was the scientist here, he would have to aske her what would be the consequences for their new family for harvesting the fruit. Would it be good for them? Bad? Would it complicate things? Aaron's head was filled with questions and doubts.
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