Aaron just self-registered as an independent Gardiner. Then he ran home to harvest his produce and sell it at the supermarket.
Antoine still had doubts about what kind of work he should choose. His main option was Law Enforcement, but he wasn't quite sure yet.
For now he became friends with the cleaning girl. Not hing unusual as in his family it was almost a tradition to marry their assitants. His grandfather Milton, for instance, and his cousin Kurtis had married their respective employees, both beautiful, by the way. Antoine neer said he was planning to marry Mollie, although but, as unpredictable as the Langerak are, anything could happen. Whatever, all we know so far is that Antoine is still single.
Aaron, at the greenhouse, in full harvest.
He found a special Unknown Seed and he immediately put in in his inventory to analize it and plant it later, if he gets the Gardening skill level that is required.
Dinner time. It's been absolutely quiet in the apartment since Aaron and Shantel made peace.
Even Dakota and Cinnamon had become friends.
Aaron, enjoying the pool before going to sleep.
Kay has learned a lot about Gardening working in Aaron's greenhouse.
He left the pool to come and help her. They have been seen together a lot lately.
Aaron stayed to fertilize the plants while Kay went to bed. She was exhausted, however, working in the greenhouse took her stress away completely. Or was it Aaron's company that made her feel better?
Watching the 'Got Garden? channel before going to sleep.
"Oh, no, the simnivore plant eat the instructor!"
"The horror. Remind me to never grow one of those plants... Well, Dakota, that's enough, let's go to sleep".
But Kay couldn't sleep that night, so, to fight insomnia she went in the sauna for a bit.
And then she started singing in the shower, one of her favorite hobbies.
"2:30 am, I'll only sleep a few hours, but that's better than nothing".
Shantel woke up early and went straight to the shower. Then to breakfast and to work.
"I hate to work so early. It was much better with Amin, he even got me this apartment. Of course Amin was filthy rich. Shark in contrast, he's such a poor guy... But what can you do, he's so handsome!"
"Anyway, someday I won't need men anymore, I'll go to the Universtiy, I'll graduate, then I'll become a great journalist and will have my own TV show. Maybe then I'll get a boyfriend who is both hansome and a millionare!"
"So it will be, no, Cinnamon?"

Shantel rushes off to work.
Antoine stayed for a while, playing with Cinnamon.
Then he went to the Hidden Spring Police Station to register. There will be one more policeman in the family, besides uncle Anwar Kamel and his wife Noelle; his father, Robert
Langerak, his aunt Tanya Cho and his sister-in-law Alexandra. The two latter ones are Private Investigators.
Mientras tanto, Aaron fue al supermercado para vender su produccion de vegetales y hierbas.
Vender sus productos le permitió llegar al nivel 3 de su carrera
de Jardinero. La agricultura es un trabajo sucio que no es para el
ciudadano tímido o de manos delicadas. Continúa sobreviviendo en el
campo y las ganancias seguirán llegando.
Aaron acaba de identificar una de las semillas desconocidas de su inventario. Resultó ser del Árbol de Dinero. "¿Árbol de Dinero? Oh, por Dios... Esto podría resolver por completo mi futuro."
También fue un buen día para Kay, ya que recibió un ascenso a Técnica de Laboratorio.
Para cenar, Antoine preparó su platillo favorito: Macarrones con Queso. Su repertorio de recetas no es muy amplio, pero por algo se
Por la noche recibieron una invitación a una en casa de los bisabuelos. Todos estaban demasiado cansados, pero no podían hacerles un desaire, así que se prepararon para asistir. Sería una buena oportunidad para saludar a toda la familia y platicarles de sus avances como jóvenes adultos e independientes.
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