Abril 29, 2013
Another sunrise at the Uni. The day of the exam and Graduation are getting closer.
Although William wasn't goig to graduate this time, he the time when Tera was in class to study a little more.
He also chatted with his parents on the internet, as well as with other relatives, and friends from Hidden Springs.
The conversation didn't last long cause his laptop broke down, but William was too stressed to reapair it.
So he rather went to the Cafe Grotto to play pool.
Tera was there too, studying for the next day's exams.
When he returned home, more relaxed, William started to repair the computer.
Tera continued to study for a while longer, then she practiced with the brain enhancer.
The next morning, she was ready for the exams.
William stayed home playing soccer. While he trained he could only think of the moment he'd return to Hidden Springs and marry Tera. He wished she did well in the exam so they can celebrate graduation and their wedding together.
Later, he left for his own exam. Although he only completed a few credits of the Physical Education career. Perhaps at a later date he could obtain his degree, but for now all he cared about was returning home.
In the evening they celebrated the end of the trimester by attending a fraternity party. They danced and had fun the whole night, while they made plans for their future life together in Hidden Springs.
But the next morning, when Tera got her report card...
"What? A C? But I studied all night!"
Of course, in the end she admitted that had been the only night she had studied. Whatever, she was going to graduate anyway.
William didn't do very well either. but the truth, he wasn't very worried.
"An F! Well, I admit I didn't pay much attention to my studies this time".
Before leaving for the graduation ceremony, Tera and William raked the leaves from the garden, cause they wanted to leave the Goths' dormitory squeaky clean.
William, minutes before Graduation.
Tera at last got her Technology degree.
"Yay, I made it!"
She can go back to Hidden Springs and marry William now.
The great day the two of them were waiting for, came at last.
"Thanks for waiting for me and for coming to Uni with me".
"You're welcome".
They had been invited to a last fraternity party, but theyt didn't even remember to attend. None of the two seemed to notice what was happening around them.
They're on their way now. Next stop: Hidden Springs.
¿y al graduarse no salieron con la tipica toga de graduación?, ¿usaste un mod?
Eso me pasaba mucho antes, nunca supe a qué se debía. Sigo usando los mismos mods y ya no me pasa. Posiblemente era un bug que se arregló con alguna actualización. O quizás algún contenido personalizado. Recuerdo lo molesto que era. Incluso algunas veces tuve que salirme de la partida y volver a empezar sólo por culpa de ese bug. XD
En mi caso, mis sims van al primer dia de trabajo con toga de graduación, jajajaja, no se la sacan ni para ducharse cuando son tímidos, jajaja.
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