Jan 3, 2014

Josie Langerak


Josephine Langerak, or Josie as everybody call heris the daughter of the famous magician Jason Langerak, a.k.a. The Amazing Jason, and the Vocal Legend Reneé Dumont. She was born in Sunset Valley, where she lived with her family until her sister Katya was born. Shortly after, her parents got a divorce and they all moved to Hidden Springs. Katya went to live with her Dad and Josie stayed with her mom. But when she reached the young adult age, she enrolled in the University where she met Billy Goth. They both studied together a couple of terms, but they finally decided to leave school and move to Starlight Shores, where they lived together and later got married. Josie is in the Música career, while Billy became a Magician, just like Josie's father. Currently they're both adults, they're still married and have two children: Marlina and Mortimer II. They all are still living in Starlight Shores. 

Hair: Skysims 117 (Retexture by Jennisims - Inactive)
Capri Jeans by Mirel
Eyebrowss: Bare Naturals by Elexis
Eyeshadow: Smoky Eyes Eyeshadow N2 by Margeh 75
Eyeliner: Eyeliner 1 by Simple Life
Formal Lipstick: Allure Lipstick by Praline Sims 
Formal Hair: Hideout Door by Newsea (Donation), Alpha Edit by Simmer Store.
  Formal Clothes: Party Time Dress by EsyraM
Shoes: Flower High Heel Pumps by Altea 127's

During middle age crisis.

With her great and only love, Billy Goth.

Her other love: music.

They say she gets her conflictive nature from her mother.

Josie, today.

Skin Face: Skin Face V2.1 by in798

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