Jan 2, 2014

Happy 2014!

Hello again and Happy New Year 2014! More changes are coming for this blog, although they're not drastic. It's just that, as the new year has started, or rather, it has fallen on me before I was able to finish moving all  my memories from the Sims 3 page, I decided to start publishing the newest of my sims. 
As life has continued to go by in Hidden Springs, Starlight Shores, Bridgeport and others, I have been publishing some pics in Tumblr, but I thought it was fair that I publish them here, cause this blog was precisely created to post everything that happens to my sims. 
Therefore, it's likely this week I'll start with a new section, for which I don't have a name yet,  but it would be some kind of photo gallery with a bit of text. Something like what I have been doing in my Tumblr  This doesn't mean I will stop posting my old memories. I will soon resume the Memories From Uni, and everything else. Also, I'm about to start a game save in Roaring Heights, although I don't know how soon that will be, I hope I have time among so many plans. 
On the other hand, I'll continue posting my sims. Currently I'm in Third Generation, there are still many sims left, but as they reach the young adult age, I'll start uploading them. Happily, the blog has been working for six month old already, more or less. I hope not only to make it to one year, but many more.. While there are sims, Los Sims de Ana will continue. Congratulations to you all, and welcome new followers. Hug. <3.


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