Dec 22, 2013

Liam O'Dourke (Hidden Springs Makeover)


Liam O'Dourke is an original Hidden Springs character, therefore, the credit for his existence is for EA. However, as he crossed the path of my sim Wendy Steele, I decided to do one of my makeovers to him, so I take credit for that. Liam is in the Science career, his skills are: Chess, Gardening and, of course, Science, although he's also interested in Politics. Due to his sharp intelligence he's considered a genius in his city, but regardless of his scientific skills, Liam is also a hopeless romantic. He met Wendy at a mutual friend's party and didn't leave her side from that moment on. They became sweethearts right away, then they went steady, got married and had two children: Katie and Eddy. They live in Hidden Springs currently and they will probably live there for life.


Formal Clothes: The Sims 3 University Life
Casual Clothes: mochi029-M-T46
Glasses: Glasses 01 by in798

Skintone: Natural by TeruK (DR) + You are Real CAS Parts by Buhudain. 
 Eyes: N41_Default by Tifa


Unknown said...

Me li imaginé de científico y de arqueólogo en Egipto. Tiene una especie de Indiana Jones.

Ana said...

Sí, así es! Habrá que mandarlo a Egipto muy pronto. :D Saludos, Daniel!

Keiko Simsi said...

MMmMmmmm Menudo cambio! Está guapísimo! ;D

Ana said...

Gracias, Keiko! Besitos. ;)

Unknown said...

Felin Navidad Anaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ana said...

Graciaaaaas!!! Feliz Navidad para ti también, Daniel!!