April 2, 2013
On Friday, Dean started the day cleaning his dorm and doing laundry.
"If my mother saw me now, he wouldn't believe it!"
Talking about his mother, she's a Five Star Cheff, and here he is, having waffles for breakfast. The irony!
In the afternoon, he headed to the Faculty to take his exams. After that he would have a whole long weekend to go partying.
It got dark at the Uni. The moon appeared behind the mountains.
Dean finished his two first exams. The finals would be until next Friday. While that day came, he would have a blast!
Before going to the party, he stopped by the beach to breath a bit of fresh air and think about what he would do when he returned to Hidden Springs.
He didn't regret stopping by, since he was lucky enough to meet Nicole Lawry, one of the prettiest and most popular girls of the University.
Then he headed to the party, which would be of course at Jeffery Dean's house.
To his luck, Nicole attended the party too. While they talked, Dean thought that she could be an excelent companion for the days that he still had left at the Uni. Although, of course, it was important that she felt the same.
To be liked by Nicole, Dean did a few silly things like reciting and dancing the University cheer, which, by the way, she did very well, so she simple loved it.

The he asked her zodiac sign. Nicole was a Leo; Dean, a Libra. Those were compatible signs!
From the conversation they passed to Dean's favorite entertainment: the "juice" keg.
Dean didn't know if Nicole was interested in him, but while he found out he wanted to take a picture of him with the most popular girl in Uni. He would be the envy of all his Hidden Springs friends when he showed it to them.
Oops, the flash of the camera almost blinded them. Dean was afraid that she would be angry and sent him to hell.
But it wasn't so. Nicole seemed happy by Dean's side and she stood by him all the time. tiempo. Unfortunately, the night flied and the party came to its end. Dean would've loved to invite her to come to his house, but he didn't want to rush things.
He was satisfied with talking to her for a few mintues more, when everybody had already left. Then he found out that she was single cause he had recently broken up with her boyfriend, Cid Serverus, and that he liked music and art. Perfect!
They keep on talking until the break of dawn. Then Dean walked her to her car and that was it. Nicole was very kind with him, but she didn't seem quite interested. Dean would have to be patient. After all, she was a super-popular gir. He didn't want to ruin it.
In the morning, he woke up very early and had his typical waffles for breakfast. Although he was sleepy, he had decided to go to the beach to look for Nicole.
When he arrived, there she was and immediately got closer to greet him, looking as super-gorgeous as ever.
Bit by bit, Dean and Nicole started breaking the ice. It was clear that there was interest on her part, although it was only to forget her boyfriend Cid. And Dean wouldn't pass up this opportunity. True, he had a girlfriend, but who cared about that now?
It was a fact, that morning the spark was started.
Dean was enchanted by Nicole and it seemed like he was corresponded. This was much more than he could've dreamed for a university affair. There wasn't anything left to say, this was his opportunity, but... what would happen if Michelle found out?
And what did that matter now? Only a fool would lose a chance like this. The University, summer, the beach.. and not just any girl, but this was Nicole Lawry!
all these thoughts were going through Dean's mind when, suddenly, it started to rain. This seemed to annoy Nicole.
"Oh no, I should head home", she said.
Dean didn't give up as easily and invited her to spend the afternoon in his house, praying that she would accept.
Incredible as it may seeem, Nicole accepted his invitation. They'd spend the day together alone in his house. Could things get any better?
Yes they could, cause when Dean got romantic, Nicole corresponded immedaitely, as if she had been waiting for that special moment.
Before going ahead with the romance, Dean felt it was his duty to inform Nicole that he had a girlfriend in Monte Vista. Nicole told him that she already knew cause she had seen them together the previous trimester, and she didn't care in the slightest, and made it clear to him that she hadn't forgotten his boyfriend yet and that she didn't like commitment. Dean tought that was more than perfect.
All clarifications made, they moved on to the following. The phone started ringing insistently. Dean didn't answer so as not to ruin the idyllic moment, praying to heaven that the caller wasn't Michelle.
To be frank, he felt very nervous, but Nicole did not beat around the bush, so he forgot about everything for the time being and let himself go.
He didn't even remember to turn off the TV, or the stereo. The phone rang a few times more, but again, Dean ignored it. At this point he didn't care about anything anymore, except about Nicole.That was no doubt one of the best and most exciting nights of his life.
It wasn't dark yet, but Dean was so tired that he fell asleep.
Nicole on the other hand, still had the energy to go around the house. She looked happy and that made Dean sleep more peacefully.
But he suddenly remembered there was a party that night at Jeff's house. Sure, he would've rather stay home with Nicole, but he was afraid someone would come looking for him and found out about him and Nicole. The last thing he wanted was a problem with her ex boyfriend and that a scandal would reach Michelle's ears.
Nicole immediately understood Dean's reasons and gladly agreed to go with him to the party. After all, what she wanted was to be with him, no matter where.
On their way to the party, they agreed to tell everybody that they had ran into each other on the street.
Weird thing, the party at Jeff's turned out to be the most boring. Nicole seemed annoyed by that and left early with a friend. Five minutes later, Dean left as well.
He returned home alone, under the rain. This was how the night of a perfect day ended. As he drove by, he prayed that the morning would come soon to call Nicole, apologize to her for the party fiasco and make sure that she wasn't mad at him.
Fortunately, Nicole wasn't mad at him. "Don't worry, Dean, it wasn't your fault. Call me tomorrow". And that was all. Maybe he was a fool, but at that moment, that single sentence: "Call me tomorrow", really lit up his life. Was he falling in love with Nicole?
Que risa, si vass con un auto descapotable sin cerrar, al ir de paseo de lluvia me imagino que al abrir la puerta saldrá el agua como piscina rota, jajajajajaja.
Así es, y mis sims son muy necios, sólo quieren autos convertibles. Si al menos los convertibles de Los Sims se pudieran cerrar... XD
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