March 31, 2013

Winter was coming to an end at St. John's University.

Bit by bit, snowfall started to decrease and the sun started to warm up.
Finally, Spring arrived. Gwyneth, Michelle, Dean and William started their second term.
Gwyneth woke up in high spirits and started decorating one of the exterior walls of the house.
In contrast, Michelle woke up almost at noon. She would've continued sleeping, but Josh, the cleaning guy, had already arrived and needed to clean the bedroom.
It was a very rainy day, fortunately none of the four had class early.

But Gwyneth didn't waste her time and was practicing with her sketches.
By the way, her relationship with Calvin Dipperson is going full steam ahead.
Although, apparently, Calvin doesn't get along well with everyone at the dormitory. For instance, he didn't sympathize with Michelle much, perhpas this was because they didn't have anything in common?
On the other hand, he got along perfectly with William.
That night Dean serenaded his dear Michelle. Things seemed to have been settled between them
The next day, Gwyneth went to visit the greenhouse of the Faculty. There she found some interesting things, like this shining flower.
And this other which could dance. Cool! Gwyneth had a lot of fun.
But in the afternoon she didn't do well, since she was arrested for painting street art on the walls of the faculty.
After paying a fee, she was escorted to her house for a female cop and yet she had to listen to a long lecture.
"Ugh, I feel like a criminal. All because an innocent wall painting".
As if it wasn't enough, that night a burglar broke in the house. William was very brave to confront him.
Although he felt a little bad for having to fight with a woman.
Dean hurried to call the police, unfortunately, the burglar took this opportunity to escape. For a change, the police arrived a lot later. The good news is the intruder hadn't had the time to take anything thanks to William's quick intervention. What a night! They hope tomorrow to be a little better.
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