March 11, 2013
6:04 am. At last it had stopped snowing, but now it was raining. It was the beginning of Springs and with it the second trimester had started too. 

Dylan would have to go to class in a few hours, and the downpour had no end in sight.
He had to carry his umbrella, although it wasn't of much help with such a shower.
As he arrived on campus the rain increased, so he had to run.
Karen was lucky she didn't have to go out with such weather, her classes were scheduled for the afternoon, so she could curl up under the blankets and sleep a little more.
What a horrible day! Dylan had yet another class and was dying of sleep, so he went for a cup of coffee. But -- who's sitting at the table? That was Ayana Yuki, a friend of the late Cid
Serverus. A very gorgeous girl, by the way. Would she remember him?
"Of course I remember you, you're Dylan Shen".
Too bad Dylan's class is about to start...
Dylan had to run out. He wasn't even able to buy himself a coffeew, but he promised to Ayana that he would look for her in the chat room or send her a text message. Only as a friend, that is, since Dylkan's heart, in spite of everything, still belongs to Karen.
Classes never allow him to socialize in peace. On top of it, it was Karen's turn to use the car today and Dylan had to use the bicycle, thankfully the rain had stopped for now.
Finally, the rainbow came out, maybe it was a good sign.
Dylan was a little late for his class Abstract Theory of Life 302.
Karen was also attending hers: Microstructure of Debate 102.
Upon leaving, Karen and Dylan ran into each other. The talk went well, but Karen had to go to her next class. Plus, he got a call from Paris Vanderbuilt, she wanted to know if she would attend her party which will start in an hour. Dylan was invited too.
"Well, I'm heading for the party. See you there?", Dylan asked her.
"I don't know, if I get out of class on time, maybe. If I don't, well, you have fun".
Karen arrived late to Paris párty. Even so Aún así, Dylan was happy to see her, since the party extremely boring. Finalley the two of them went home, but they were so tired that they couldn't continue with their talk and it all was left there. Karen was beginning to lose hope that things would be work out between them.
7:30 am. A new day full of possibilites at the St. John University.
Karen initiated her practices reporting the most relevant events on campus. Truly, this was the class she enjoyed the most.
Someday she'll fullfill her dream to be the best journalist!
Meanwhile, Dylan ran into Cora, an old friend and ex classmate from his former dormitory. They were never too close to each other, because Cora was bored with everything related to computers, science and other sruff she thought was for nerds only. She liked bowling and going to the gym. Dylan didn't like any of those things much.
Con Karen es distinto. A los dos les gusta la ciencia y compartir conocimientos. Ese trimestre en la Uni aprendieron a fundir sus mentes. Era una forma más rápida de estudiar juntos para los exámenes y a la vez, de conocerse mejor.
Fundiendo su mente con la de Karen, Dylan no sólo pudo compartir conocimientos con ella, sino leer lo que había en su cabeza ¡literalmente! Así descubrió que lo ocurrido con Paul Biden había sido por desafiar a Alexandra Goth, y que Karen sólo lo amaba a él...
Dylan le pidió disculpas por haberla juzgado tan duramente,
cuando ella había sido honesta desde el principio al contárselo todo. Karen. a su vez, se disculpó por haber sido tan tonta de seguirle el juego a Alexandra.
Fue una gran noche para ambos. Ya casi estaba arreglado. Sólo faltaba la reconciliación oficial, pero la víspera de
los exámenes finales no era el mejor momento. Les quedaban pocos días en el campus. Sería mejor esperar hasta después de la graduación para hablar del asunto con absoluta tranquilidad.
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