Starlight Shores, March 21, 2013
We're back shortly to Starlight Shores... Like we already said, Melissa is a very smart kid, that's why she quickly learned to walk, talk and everything else.

But time flied and the day of her birthday arrived. Here she is, ready to blow the cake candles, in the company of her dad.
Of course, her mother was also there. Her sister Marilyn wasn't because she fell asleep, but there would be time later to share a piece of that delicious cake with her.
And here we go. One, two...
Three! There, Melissa blew the candles. The moment has come to say goodbye to infancy.
Melissa became a girl, now she'd have to attend school and do her homework like any other girl her age in that city. Of course, with the privileges that come with being the daughter of two rich and famous people.
The evening fell over Starlight Shores.
Mike attended the show of one of his favorite artists.
When it finished, he sent him back to his city in a limousine.
And then he returned home to take care of his girls, since Miranda went on tour again.
After making sure that Melissa and Marilyn were sleeping soundly, Mike got himself to work. Let's not forget he's a very important entrepreneur. His real state business and his elixir sales are full steam ahead, not to mention the profits generated by Miranda's tours, cause he's her manager too.
Oops, well, not everything goes well sometimes. That night the computer broke down again because of all the work Mike had to do. Maybe it's time to buy himself a new one.
The computer broke down, but the elixir sales business improved! Mike learned to create batches of multiple elixirs, which allows him to sell much more in less time. This achievement made him feel proud as a salesman and of course, as an Alchemist.
When Miranda returned from her tour, Mike presented her his new business plans. Miranda was impressed. Mike is a genius! He multiplied their earnings in just a few years. If he continues like this, they both could retire soon. Although that isn't likely to happen since they're both too ambitious to ditch their careers just now. For the Langeraks, sky is the limit!
Que pena el andador y el corral para los niños, haya que comprarlos con mundos de oro gastando demasiados simoleones, lo encuentro demasiado caro, pero encantaría ternelos. Otra cosa que me gustaría tener, es una especie de cuna que funciona como columpio, aunque a los niños les generaba mareos o vómitos si la usaban mucho. Pero sería entretenido tener la colección completa.
Sí, a mí también me encantan estos objetos. El columpio que dices pasó mucho tiempo para que lo pudiera comprar. No compro seguido en la tienda y tengo muy pocas cosas. El set de la guardería me encantó y lo compré porque en ese entonces tenía muchos bebés en mis familias, XD En comparación con otros simmers tengo realmente muy pocas cosas de la Store. Porque sí es carísimo todo! Ojalá hicieran lo mismo que The Sims Resource y un día nos dieran la sorpresa de que todo es gratuito. Tal vez cuando salgan Los Sims 4. No hay que perder la esperanza. ;)
A mí los sims 4 me decepcionaron. La forma de construir casas me pareció espectacular, pero cuando vi esos sims con cuerpo de plasticina, con rostro de playstation japonesa, y con el pelo todo pegoteado e irreal, vi que la grafica de los sims va en franco retroceso. Se nota que quieren compatibilizar el juego para WII, XBOX, PLAYSTATION y PC y hacerlo más uniforme, pero precisamente con eso pierden detalles.
Lo de la construcción de las casas ha de ser inspirado en Sim City, se vé bien, pero construir no es lo mío, así que me gusta pero no me entusiasma. En cuanto a los Sims, podría pasarme horas diciendo TODO lo que NO me gustan. Aparte de lo que ya dijiste, sus caras son aburridas, sin detalles, en fin. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que dices sobre las consolas Wii, XBOX, etc. Es más yo iría más lejos, creo que los convirtieron en un burdo jueguito para Facebook. Los Sims Free Play para Iphone y tabletas luce mucho más detallado y divertido,
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