Bridgeport City
Memories from January 22, 2013
While Vincent prepared his wedding with Mona Kamel in Hidden Springs, Dahlia settled down in Bridgeport, her hometown, where she lived many years ago with her mother Kamillah Langerak, her father, the deceased Matthew Haming, and her sister Matilda and Serena.
Dahlia moved to Bridgeport to be as far as possible from Vincent and his girlfriend. She took her children Omar and her newborn baby, Mandy with her.
Omar is a toddler and he's very restless by the way, but so handsome, he resembles his grandfather Simon Steele.
Dahlia is a Hit Movie Composer, so she quickly got a job in Bridgeport, but she had to call an agency to hire a butler to keep her house while she's at work. Plus, housework has never been her strong suit.
They said the butler was on his way, he'll be here in a few minutes. Dahlia is anxious to get some rest, the trip and the moving left her exhausted and it's only 8:30 am! Fortunately she doesn't have to report for work yet.
"I hope the butler will arrive soon, I'm dying of sleep. Thank goodness the children are sleeping already
Wrong, only Mandy was sleeping. That little devil Omar is still awake.
Omar is a hyperactive child, it has always been difficult to get him to sleep, and during the day even more so.
Dahlia couldn't sleep, not even wink. Omar stayed awake and then Mandy woke up too. Plus, Dahlia got a call from work, someone in the Orchestra didn't come and they need her to take their place. She has to run and the butler hasn't arrived.
Before she gets in the shower, she takes care of Mandy, she's a very quiet girl so she went back to sleep right away.
Life in Bridgeport is not going to be easy, difficulties pile up and, besides, the weather isn't very nice, it rains all the time or remains cloudy. Dahlia has started to miss the Hidden Springs sun.
To top it off, they didn't send a butler, but a housekeeper with whom Dahlia didn't hit it off at all. They ended arguing and Dahlia fired her right on the spot. She had to call the agency again. Hopefully they will send someone more reasonable now.
Dahlia was late for work cause she had to fix breakfast for Omar while a babysitter came to take care of him. Omar was happy that his mother was there while he ate.

But he got grumpy when she told him that she had to go to work already. Dahlia doesn't have time for Omar's tantrum, it's the turn of the babysitter to deal with him.
"Omar, behave. If you are a good boy I'll take you to the park for a stroll".
Omar had to let Dahlia go. He's a difficult kid, his temper runs in the familia. Both Dahlia and Vincent are strong-willed. But even with that, Omar is a charming kid. If Dahlia had one good thing left from her failed marriage to Vincent, it is her adorable children.
By the evening, at last, the new housekeeper arrived. Her name is Johanna. She's much nicer that the other one and more polite. It looks like Dahlia's home and her children will be in good hands.
It's bed time...
"No, Omar, you can't continue playing".
It's been a long day, Dahlia is exhausted. Fortunately Johanna helped her with Mandy. She has turned out to be an excellent babysitter. Surely, tomorro they'll have a talk about her new uniform, the current one is not to the liking of Dahlia, but that's just a detail.
Otherwise, Johanna is a true gem. She knows about mechanics, babysitting, cooking, cleaning. A complete wonder.
At least Dahlia could sleep peacefully. What a joy!
The next morning, Dahlia had a few spare hours, so she decided to take Omar for a stroll, just like she had promised him. But first she called a babysitter so she would help Johanna with Mandy's care. That way Johanna will be able to do her chores without distractions.
Dahlia and Omar were ready to tour the whole Bridgeport.
But they had to return home almost immediately because it started to rain. Thank goodness they have a limo now. She has made good use of the money Vincent gave her, plus the one she inherited from her father, let's not forget she's the daughter of a celebrity too.
Dahlia was so eager to take Omar to the park.where she used to play as a child. Well, it would be some other time.
Since they weren't able to go to the park and Dahlia didn't want to go home yet, she visited her own Lillian. Lilly wasn't home but her daugther Whitney invited them in. She's a very cute and sweet girl.
Thank heaven they are under cover and in front of the fireplace, it's freezing in Bridgeport as always. Again, Dahlia missed the Hidden Springs weather.
Dahlia stayed a while with her little cousins Whitney and Brian, who apparently were alone. If she knew how to cooks she would fix something for them, but she's not a very good at cooking. It's best to wait for aunt Lilly.
And she arrives a few minutes later, looking like the Superstar she is. Dahlia was impressed. She wished she looked like that one day
Lillian invited Dahlia and little Omar for dinner. Dahlia accepted with pleasure. Lillian's home brings her memories. It used to be her father Matthew Hamming's house, where she lived with her mother and sisters. Now Matilda lives in Hidden Springs; Serena and her mom are in Monte Vista. Suddenly, Dahlia felt lonely. In spite of the fights, she misses Vincent like hell. She doesn't know if she'll forget him someday and will be happy. What will destiny have in store for her? A new love? A career success? Or more problems? It'll take some time, but she will know the answer.
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