Jul 1, 2013

The Chos: Stars and Heroes

Hidden Springs, August 16, 2012
Davy Cho in his first gig as singer in Hidden Springs: a sing-a-gram for aunt Layla.

Davy's children: William and Miranda playing catch outside the bookstore.

Tanya, Davy's wife, went to see his father Karim and met her step mother Lolly, who is almost her same age. XD  

As soon as Davy got to the party, Octavio Spiotto, asked him for an autograph.

Davy's first performance at the Hidden Springs Park.

The performance was a success! 

Davy got a promotion in his career.

William just met aunt Mona, his mother's half sister.

While Davy is on tour, Tanya spends her free time sculpting.
William got a promotion.

The Cho family saw a great performance at a Big Show Venue. It was really something out of this world!

Davy auditioned to get a gig at the Flying V Coffee House, and he got it!

As a part of her investigations, Tanya questioned his half-brother Anwar.

William, putting out a small fire.

Miranda got a promotion in her Music career.

Davy's first gig at the Flying V Coffee House.  
William went fishing.

 Miranda played guitar at the park.

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