Jul 21, 2013

The Adventure of the Forgotten Tomb

Champs Les Sims, France, December 10, 2012

Tony is back in France to re-explore The Forgotten Tomb, an adventure he left unfinished, cause he needed Pangu's Axe to destroy a rock that covered the floor switch.

The switch that was under that rock activaded a mechanism that opened a second set of stairs in front of the one previously explored.
Downstairs, among other things, Tony found a floor switch that opened a hidden door.
The door led to a garden Tony had already inspected, so he did not care of it and continued ahead.

Behind another secret door, down the stairs, he found a room with two doors, one of them was blocked with rubble that he could not tear down from this side.

The second door led to a room with many statues. He could only move one of them lo fue posible mover una de ellas, and  in doing so, a floor switch appeared, which, naturally, unlocked one more door.

Before going through the unlocked door, Tony inspected the wall on his right and... What could it be but yet another-secret-door.

Behind this last one was a huge room with some new treasures. Nothing extraordinary, really.

Retracing his steps, he returned to the other door, the one he had unlocked minutes ago. When going through it, he discovered a very big room, full of piles of rubble. She had to remove them all, but he'll do that later, cause he was exhausted so he went to sleep.

After sleeping a bit, already well rested, Tony destroy all the piles of rubble.

There, no more piles of rubble. The loot consisted of gem, ancients coins, a hole on the wall and a heart-shaped keystone.

... And a locked door with a hear-shaped keyhole.

Tony first inspected the whole on the wall.
 "Oh, no! Damned bugs!"
(Tony hates bugs, this kind I mean).

What he found was another switch, which opened another hole, this time on the floor.

When inspecting said hole... This can't be, it's those bugs again! Tony couldn't contain his horror.

Poor Tony, he almost cried with fear. He really, really hate those bugs.

But he continues inspecting the holes. He activates one more switch, and another hole appears!

And yes, more bugs.
"Nooo, more bugs, help!"

"Leave me alone, stupid insects! Tony regreted not taking a bottle of Liquid Courage with him.

Tony continued inspecting the holes. They appeared one after another, they were neverending, but at least there were no more insects.just switches and holes, some on the floor, some others on the wall.

One last switch made all the other holes disappear. And Tony found a Luminous Gem worth $242. Not a big deal, but...

Well, after the episode of the holes, Tony returned to the door with the hear-shaped keystone and put the keystone in it.
The door led him to another room full of statues. There he had to move some of them to open a staircase to would let him go downstairs.

What he found down there were bottles of nectar. Of course he took as many as he could.

As he headed to the end of the room, he fell in a dart trap. Ouch! That put him to sleep for a while.

When he awoke he tried to disarm the dart trap, and he ran into a steam one.

In the end he was able to disarm both traps.

But he continues to inspect the floor cause it seems that there is one more.

They were two more traps, electric. He could not disarm them, but he was able to cross them very carefully. Phew!

 This time he was able to grab the two heart-shaped keystones that sat on a bench at the end of the room.

With the two keystones in his possession, he returned upstairs, the room with the statues, where the door with the heart-shaped keyhole. He put the key in and the door opened...

What he found was another door with a heart-shaped keyhole.

No problem, Tony had two keys with him. He used the second one and was thus able to enter.

Again, he had to tear down lots of piles of rubble.

He found some relics and ancient coins.

A statue from the Dangerous Creatures collection.

And the last heart-shaped keystone which is needed to open the remaining door.

And here we go, the last door.


Tony opened a chest and found some gems.

Then he walked towards the next door. He had completed the legendary adventure of The Forgotten Tomb!

Before going out of the tomb, TOny found a relic from the Dropa Stones collection.

Tore down the last pile of rubble which covered the exit.

Before leaving, Tony inspected some sarcophagi. He found food, a heart-shaped keystone (yes, another one), money bags and fragments of a kings sarcophagus.

He couldn't resist the temptation to inspect one last wall and discovered another secret door.

There was a chest with a heart-shaped keyhole.

Tony used the key he had just found. What was in the chest was a collection piece and metals of great value.

The tomb had been explored thoroughly, now Tony could go home. And to the market to sell his relics.

Tony heads to the stairs that would take him to the exit.

Again in Champs Les Sims. Goodbye Forgotten Tomb.

Home Sweet Home.
Tony felt tired and with nausea before going to sleep, it must have been the effect of the Tiberium stone, a mineral he found not long ago during one of his adventures.

"Tiberium: With its high value and its potentially dangerous side effects, this alien substance will dominate the future of the interplanitary politics". Really?... Could be, but Tony is sure he will feel better tomorrow and will be able to continue with more exciting adventures.

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