Jul 1, 2013

Bella Kamel, the Other "Ex" of Karim.

Memories from October 18, 2012

Bella Goth-Kamel, the second ex wife of Karim Kamel, at the Elixir and Miscelaneous store. She is starting her 'career' as a Witch and has come to buy some stuff.

Casting the spell of the apple.

Practicing with magic!

"Look at this!"
She has a bit of practice with the magic wand, but there are some things left to learn.

At home, Bella got a visit of her daughter, Mona.

Mona is having problems with his husband Shark. She has come to ask her mother to help her with some spell. Bella opinion is that Mona's marriage cannot be saved, not even with magic. Mona and Shark are going worse and worse. She can see a divorce coming soon, but even so she agrees to help her daughter  like she has always done. And that's all we knew about Bella y Mona so far.

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