Jun 22, 2013

Myra Kamel

Myra Kamel, now Myra Goth, is the second daughter of Farid and Kim Kamel. Since she was very young sshowed interest in anything to do with athletics. She traveled around the world, mainly to Shang Simla, where she learned Martial Arts. For a while she was an avid explorer like her mother Kim and her sister Layla. She married Mortimer Goth, the love of her life, with whom she had three children: John, Elisa and Sabrina. Currently she is in the Militar Career, on the highest level which is Astronaut. The picture below is from the time when beautiful Myra was a young adult. The brilliant Sim Fu Champion, is a grandmother now and has eight grandchildren, but she looks almost as young as in the picture due to constant training, military discipline and martial arts.

Hair: Wake up by Newsea
Clothes: The Sims 3

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