Nov 18, 2014

Goodbye, Dragon Valley. Hello University Life

After years of struggling with mood swings as adolescents, it was a relief for the Luck brothers to have reached the young adult age. 

And not just that, but they would at last say goodbye to the turbulent Dragon Valley, to build their brilliabnt future at the St. John University, near Hidden Springs.

Winston and Tristan said goodbye to the few friends they had made at the valley, like Corren Dwyer, Winston's best friend, whom he probably was going to miss, but whom he hoped as well to see again someday. The future was uncertain for now.

But their last night in Dragon Valley was far for being calm, cause, even when the twins were in holly peace, Sabrina and Wylie were still angry at each other due to the Siobahn Murphy affair. In fact, Sabrina had issued an ultimatum to Wylie: either he forgot about Siobahn forever, or he better wouldn't return to Hidden Springs with her.

Wylie tried to calm Sabrina's anger with a kiss. Big mistake!

Sabrina got even more angry and the argument ended in a fist fight. Winston ran upstairs to stop the 

"Mom, Dad! What wrong with you? Mom, are you okay?"
"I'm perfectly fine, can't say the same about your Dad", Sabrina answered.
  "All the Goths are demented", Wylie could hardly mumble.

"Oh, yeah? Pues nunca te metas con una Goth - contestó muy oronda Sabrina y se retiró a su recámara. Se sentía mucho mejor después de haberse desahogado.

Wylie, more wounded in his pride than anything else, stayed in the kitchen washin the dishes and thinking about Sabrina's ultimatum. Maybe he should listen to her and forgete about Siobahn? Anyway, once in Hidden Springs, it would be difficult to see her again. 
"Well, goodbye Dragon Valley and goodbye Siobahn."

Twelve hours later,  Winston and Tristan Luck arrived in Hidden Springs to prepare their departure for the University.

"Do you think I can take Scarlet with me to Uni, Wins?"
"Don't even think about. Dragons don't go to Uni, Trist. Plus, I don't think Dad wants to separate from him.

A few days later, Winston and Tristan arrived to the Universidad, but they won't be alone, with them were their cousins Antoine Langerak, Josie Langerak, and Billy Goth. They all knew each other since childhood and now they would share an apartment that they would pay for between the five of them.. Thus, under the rain and without the slightest idea how they would organize themsleves, Winston and Tristan, and their cousins started their University Life.

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