Sep 19, 2014

A Sad Decision

Aaron informed Kay about the Forbidden Plant status and asked her if he should proceed with the harvest. Kay filled him in on what could happen if they harvested the fruit.

"According to my studies, if you harvest th Fruit right now you'll obtain a plantsim baby resembling you and you'd be his/her father. If you don't harvest it, and continue to care for it, such as weeding, watering and fertilizing it, with time you will get an edible seed, capable of turning anyone who eats it into a Plan sim.

"So the first option is a plantsim baby. Hm, interesting..."

"Very intesting, yes. And wonderful from a scientific pont of view, but complicated  on the family side. If I confirm that we are going to have a baby, then what would we do with the plantsim baby? We couldn't handle both, we would have to take attention away from one of the two. Not to mention what the rest of the family would think. I know my grandpa would be delighted, and I also know I shouldn't worry what the others think of our experiments, but, in our circumstances, I don't know if we could handle something this big.
 "I understand. Then maybe it will be best not to harvest the Fruit for now".

 "We'll keep the seed, we'll save it in a safe place and wait.  There will be time later to complete the experiment", Aaron concluded. 
"That's right, Thanks for your comprehension, honey".

 After his talk with Kay, Aaron headed for the greenhouse and, instead of harvesting the Forbidden Fruit, he took its seed and stored it in a safe place.

That was how Kay's experiment turned out.

It was a sad decision, but she hoped she could continue with it when they had stabilized as a family.  There was nothing she was more excited about than succeeding as a scientist, and a discovery like the Forbidden Fruit was no small feat.

"Here ends my experiment, I'll continue with it as soon as I can, I swear. And enough with the sadness, it's my own baby I should think about now."

Fortunately, there was another "experiment" on the door that brought joy back to the Wassems.Another very special plant that was about to give a fruit Aaron could indeed harvest.

Yes. The Money Tree had reached its maturity and would give them lots of simoleons, which by the way they could use now more than ever for the family member that was on the way. And, of course, for future experiments.

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